BonaRes 2023 Conference in Berlin
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Prof. Dr. Michael Schloter
Helmholtz Zentrum München, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt GmbH
  • Presentation Biocontrol Properties of the Root Endophyte Priestia megaterium B1: Genomic and Physiological Aspects Author
    Date: 05-16-2023 , Time: 01:00 pm | Topic: 3. Soil biomes and multifunctionality of soils
  • Session Topic 3: Soil biomes and multifunctionality of soils - Soil microbiomes as catalysts for energy and matter fluxes in soil Chair(s)
    Date: 05-17-2023 , Time: 08:30 am | Topic: 3. Soil biomes and multifunctionality of soils