ICCE 2015
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PhD Clàudia Fontàs
Universitat de Girona ESQ6750002E Spain
  • Presentation An innovative approach based on polymer inclusion membranes for the assessment of Zn bioavailability Author
    Date: 09-21-2015 , Time: 12:30 pm | Topic: 19. Metals, metalloids and elemental speciation
  • Presentation A new titanium dioxide solid phase for the determination of inorganic arsenic species Author
    Date: 09-21-2015 , Time: 06:45 pm | Topic: 19. Metals, metalloids and elemental speciation
  • Presentation Development of a novel passive sampler device for Hg monitoring in freshwaters based on a polymer inclusion membrane incorporating a task specific ionic liquid Speaker
    Date: 09-21-2015 , Time: 06:54 pm | Topic: 19. Metals, metalloids and elemental speciation
  • Presentation Two approaches for fluoride removal from natural waters: adsorption on a new titanium oxide material and transport through a polymer inclusion membrane Speaker
    Date: 09-23-2015 , Time: 01:40 pm | Topic: 03. Water quality, wastewater treatment and reuse, drinking water