Welcome at the CMS of the 12th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Groundwater-Soil-Systems and Water Resource Management!

Thank you for your interest in AquaConSoil 2013. The Call for Abstracts is closed now. We would like to say cordially thank you to all authors!
In case that you are interested in submitting a late abstract, please contact conference secretary.

Please note:

1. Registration and abstract submission are two different procedures. To have submitted an abstract does not mean to be registered.

2. In order to get registered for AquaConSoil 2013, you will have to open an account at Converia online system. In case that you have already submitted an abstract, you already have an account with your login data that you should use now for your online registration.

3. Presenters are requested to register until 12 November 2012. In case that the lecturer does not register before that deadline, his/her abstract will be eliminated from the program. Please note: The conference allows only one contribution per official delegate.

4. During registration procedure, several payment modes are offered. If a delegate selects "bank transfer" as payment method, he/she can pay now or later.
If a delegate selects "credit card" as pament method, he/she has to enter his/her card data immediately. Later payment by credit card is not possible and the registration process can not be finalized without giving the credit card data.

5. Please use if possible as browser FireFox hence this online system has been optimized for that browser.